If you have ANY questions or require technical, application or service support please contact BioExpress at
Please note that BioExpress and affiliates cannot take back any instrument that has been exposed to biological or
hazardous material contamination for replacement, credit, repair or disposal.
Please consider the environment when disposing of your instrument and the packing material. Please recycle all
environmentally friendly waste. Please contact your local government agency, facilities manager or a commercial
disposal operator on the proper disposal of the instrument and power supply.
CE Compliance & Marking
This instrument complies with European Standards and EC Directives:
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Council Directive 89/336/EEC
Applicable European Standards:
Limitation of Emissions in accordance with standard EN 61326-1 Class B for residential areas.
72/23/EEC “Electrical Equipment Design within Certain Voltage Limits”
Applicable European Standards:
EN 60950
Safety Requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use Part1: General
Modification of this instrument in any manner is the sole responsibility of the owner/operator. In addition to voiding
the warranty, the owner/operator is responsible to check and if necessary correct any modifications required in
accordance to the standards listed above for immunity to interference. Operating standards for this instrument
are available upon request.
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