WI1089 GEM-P801 Installation Instructions
Uploading Signal Strength Information
from the Log
After approximately (2) two hours, re-establish a
connection with the panel. Signal strength log
information ranges from 1 to 10. The logging of
signal strength should appear similar to the
sample LOG below:
Zone Features
[00]Exit/Entry Zones
Delay allows exit and entry through an Exit/
Entry Zone after the system is armed without
setting off an immediate alarm.
Exit Delay
allows the user to leave the premises after
Entry Delay
allows the user time to
enter and disarm. The entry delay may be
canceled by pressing
[01]Home/Away with Delay Zones
Zones that automatically bypass at the
expiration of the exit delay if the EXIT/
ENTRY zone(s) are not violated. Zones of
this type have a three (3) minute power-up
delay, and do not display or cause an
alarm if faulted when the system powers up.
Pressing the
key cancels the 3 minute
If Exit/Entry zone(s) are violated during the
exit delay, zones programmed as Home/
Away with Delay Zone(s) will have a fixed
20-second entry delay, if violated before
Exit/Entry zone.
To eliminate this fixed 20-second entry
delay, also program zones as
Follower Zones
To return protection to zones of this type,
press BC from the keypad or [A1] or [A2]
from a Keyfob. Program the Keyfob AUX 1
or AUX 2 button for
Full Set
[02]Exit/Entry Follower Zones
Entry Delay allows the user time to enter
and disarm. Allows exit after the panel is
armed without setting off an immediate
alarm and allows entry only if an
[00] has been violated first. Zones of
this type have a three (3) minute power-up
delay, and do not display or cause an alarm if
faulted when the system powers up.
Pressing the
key cancels the 3 minute
Group Bypassing
- Zones programmed as
Exit/Entry Follower Zones
will be Group
bypassed if the
key is pressed while
disarmed or within the
Exit Delay
Auto Interior Bypassing
- Also program
zones as
Home/Away with Delay Zone(s)
[01] to automatically bypass at the expiration
of the exit delay if the
are not violated during the exit delay.
[03]Auto-Bypass Reentry Zones
Zones programmed as this zone type are
permitted to be faulted at the time of arming.
Once the zone is restored, while the control
panel is still armed, the zone will
automatically be unbypassed and any subse-
quent violations of the zone will cause an
alarm condition.
[04]24-Hour Protection
A zone that provides protection at all times,
whether or not the system is armed.
[05]40 ms Loop Response
Normally loop response is 750 ms, select this
option to change the loop response to 40 ms.
The slower the loop response, the less
sensitive the system will be to intermittents
(swingers). The programming option is not
7/24/97 17:44 QL: Full Program Uploaded
07/24/97 17:42 QL: Technical Connection
(callback) Technician 2
07/24/97 15:23 Transmitter Status: GEM_SMK
1(7A0DB5): SS=7
07/24/97 15:13 Transmitter Status: GEM_SMK
2(768447): SS=8
07/24/97 15:13 Transmitter Status: Zone 2,
07/24/97 14:27 Trouble: RF Link,
07/24/97 14:25 Panic: Keypad
07/24/97 14:25 Panic: Keyfob 1(933780)
07/24/97 14:25 Dealer Program Mode Entered
07/24/97 14:24 Instant: Keyfob 1(933780)
07/24/97 14:24 QL: Connection Terminated
(10 MIN T/O)
07/24/97 13:13 QL: Full Program Downloaded
Entered during
Exit Time
Home/Away with
Delay Zones
will be automatically bypassed, even if the
Exit/Entry Zone
is violated.
Easy Exit/Easy Arm
[22-2] must
be enabled.