v0.9 | 17
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Viewing VRS Files
can playback VRS files. There are two ways you can get the binary:
If you have ovrsource locally cloned
○ Run the following command to build the VRSPlayer binary:
$ buck run
@mode/linux/dev-release vrsplayer
(replace "linux" with "mac" or "win"
for other systems)
If you don’t not have a clone of ovrsource
○ You can download pre-built binaries
from this folder
Once you have the tool built or downloaded, simply
1. Run
to launch the program.
2. After VRSPlayer launches, click
(upper-left corner) and then
3. Select the VRS file you pulled.
4. Press the play button.
5. You should see all four camera streams:
Normal and Specialty Boot Modes
Power On:
Apply USB power, or hold the power button for 3 seconds.
Power Off (Software Shutdown):
Hold PoE button for 3 seconds.