GEMAŞ Genel Mühendislik Mekanik San.ve Tic.A.Ş.
İTOB Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 10001 Sok.No:28 Menderes/İZMİR TURKEY
Tel:0232 799 0 333 Fax:0232 799 0 330 www.gemas.com.tr [email protected]
It is the page where pH settings are made
The OK button is
pressed once to enter the page, and to exit the page, the MENU
button must be pressed once. Direction buttons UP and DOWN are
used to switch between parameters on the page.
Models without pH measurement feature do not have this setting page.
3.2.3a.pH Mode
It is the parameter that the dosing mode of pH decreasing or rising
liquid is set. The OK button is pressed once and the parameter is
entered, to exit, the MENU button must be pressed once. UP and
DOWN buttons are used to switch between Mod in the parameter.
There are three options in this parameter. (OFF - ON - AUTO)
pH Mode OFF:
When this Mode is set, the pH portion dosing is turned
off, the dosing pump will de-energize. By pressing the OK button
once, the mode is selected and saved in the system.
pH Mode ON:
When this Mode is set, the pH portion dosing pump is
continuously energized and dosing. For safety reasons, it can only be
set to ON on the parameter. Once the mode is selected by pressing
the OK button once, it is saved as AUTO in the system.
pH Mode AUTO:
When this Mode is set, the dosing of the lowering or
increasing liquid is done by the value read in the pH sensor and the
set value. Dosing stops automatically when the desired value is
3.2.3b.pH Set
pH set value; It is the desired pH value of the pool. Dosing is done
by comparing the value read with the sensors with the set value
entered here. Dosing pH lowering or increasing liquid ensures that
the pool is at the desired pH.
The OK button is pressed once and the parameter is entered, to
exit the parameter, the MENU button must be pressed once. After
entering the parameter, a screen like the one shown is displayed. The
value here is changed with the UP and DOWN directional buttons.
When the desired value is given, it is selected and saved with the OK
button and the parameter is automatically exited.
3.2.3c.pH Tolerance
pH tolerance; It is the shear of the adjusted pH set value. The
reason for giving this value is that dosing does not occur with the
effect of fluctuation in the measurement. Thus, a more stable system
is created.
The OK button is pressed once and the parameter is entered, to
exit the parameter, the MENU button must be pressed once. After
entering the parameter, a screen like the one shown is displayed.
The value here is changed with the UP and DOWN directional
buttons. When the desired value is given, it is selected and saved
with the OK button and the parameter is automatically exited.