ENS22-E AT Command Set
1.4 AT Command Syntax
Page 14 of 189
AT Command Syntax
The "AT" or "at" prefix must be set at the beginning of each command line. To terminate a command line enter
<CR>. Commands are usually followed by a response that includes "<CR><LF><response><CR><LF>".
Throughout this document, only the responses are presented, <CR><LF> are omitted intentionally.
Table 1.4:
Types of AT commands and responses
Using Parameters
• Multiple parameters are separated by commas. This applies to write commands, command responses, URCs
and result codes. Please note that throughout this document spaces behind commas may be added for better
• Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets. If optional parameters are omitted, the current settings
are used until you change them.
• Optional parameters or subparameters can be omitted unless they are followed by other parameters. If you
want to omit a parameter in the middle of a string it must be replaced by a comma.
• A parameter value enclosed in square brackets represents the value that will be used if an optional parameter
is omitted.
• When the parameter is a character string the string must be enclosed in quotation marks. Symbols in quota-
tion marks will be recognized as strings.
• All spaces will be ignored when using strings without quotation marks.
• It is possible to omit the leading zeros of strings which represent numbers.
• If an optional parameter of a ITU-T V.250 command is omitted, its value is assumed to be 0.
AT command type
Test command
The test response returns supported parameters and supported
values. Values can be shown as a list of single values or a range,
for example, (1,2,3) or (1-3).
Read command
This command returns the currently set value of the parameter or
Write command
This command sets user-definable parameter values.
Exec(ution) command AT+CXXX
The execution command reads non-variable parameters deter-
mined by internal processes in the UE.