EHS6 AT Command Set
2.12 AT^SCFG
Confidential / Released
Page 72 of 513
Product ID
Product ID (PID) defined by the Customer Application manufacturer to identify the USB device.
The Product ID will, together with the Vendor ID, be transmitted to the host during USB enumeration. The given
Product ID must be included in the INF file needed for Windows.
Parameter is global, stored non-volatile in ME and not reset by
. Setting will be active after EHS6 restart.
Parameter shall be given in HEX format, maximum 4 characters.
Please note that this parameter is effective only if the customized Device Descriptor
Manufacturer name
Optional manufacturer string defined by the Customer Application manufacturer. If specified with
the same string shall be included in the INF file needed for Windows.
Parameter is global, stored non-volatile in ME and not reset by
. Setting takes effect after next USB inter-
face enumeration.
Parameter length: maximum 63 characters.
Please note that this parameter is effective only if the customized Device Descriptor
Product string
Optional product name defined by the Customer Application manufacturer. If specified with
it is rec-
ommended to include the same string into the INF file.
Parameter is global, stored non-volatile in ME and not reset by
. Setting takes effect after next USB inter-
face enumeration.
Parameter length: maximum 63 characters.
Please note that this parameter is effective only if the customized Device Descriptor
Device's serial number
Optional serial number. Empty string if not used, like in the case of the ME'S standard USB Device Descriptor
A serial number has several advantages. For example, it enables the host to assign the same virtual COM port
to same USB device even though the device is connected to another USB port. This eliminates the need for the
host to load the driver again.
Parameter is global, stored non-volatile in ME and not reset by
. Setting takes effect after next USB inter-
face enumeration. If parameter
is not specified, the default value of ME's standard USB Device
Descriptor applies.
Parameter length: maximum 4 characters.
Please note that this parameter is effective only if the customized Device Descriptor