Gerhard Geiger GmbH & Co. KG | 100W1583
If the factory setting has been carried out, max. 100 revolutions
can be done upwards or downwards.
Reset to factory settings for a further run downwards.
9. Activate the programming mode
Prerequisite: The motor is positioned between the upper and the
lower end position.
The GJ56.. E11 can be set with any setting switch that permits a
simultaneous UP/DOWN command. In this case, the UP/DOWN keys
must be simultaneously pressed instead of the programming key.
Programming mode
Press the programming key of the limit stop switch until,
after about 3 seconds, the motor confirms “end position
programming activated” with 1 x click-clack. Then release
the key.
10. Programming/changing the upper end stops
How to program or change the upper end stop:
• Activate the programming mode.
• Run the motor in the direction of the upper end
position. The motor interrupts its run just to show that it
is in the programming mode:
• The direction in which the motor moves after the break*
determines the end stop to be programmed.
(UP = upper end stop, DOWN = lower end stop)
• When the upper end position is reached, move the
motor in the opposite direction until 2 short breaks*
show the last saved position.
• The programming is completed.
* As long as the interruption of movement has not yet
occurred, corrections can be done.
Start the setting process again to readjust the end positions.
The lower end position is detected automatically (torque shutoff) and programmed.
Cancel the programming mode:
In order to cancel the programming mode, press the programming key or simultaneously the
UP/DOWN key until the motor confirms the cancellation of the programming mode after about 3
seconds with 2 x click-clack.
11. Resetting to factory settings
Press the programming key or simultaneously the UP/DOWN key for about 10 seconds until the
motor jerks 1 x after 3 seconds, 1 x after 6 seconds and 4 x after 10 seconds. Then the motor is
reset to factory settings.
12. Obstacle detection and anti-freeze protection
After an obstacle detection (e.g. obstacle or blind frozen to the window sill), the direction in
which the obstacle was detected is blocked.
A short command in the opposite direction releases the driving direction.
1 x
Press programming
key for about
3 seconds