Flash (Recall) setting
Your phone works with a time break recall for United
Kingdom (R=100ms). In France, flash time setting should
be R=300ms. This value can be set to 100, 300 or 600.
To set the Flash (Recall) setting, press the "Menu" button
to enter the menu. The display will show and announce the
word "Store". Press either the "
" or "
" button until you
reach "Setting" and press the "Ok" button. Press either the
" or "
" button until you reach "Flash" and press the
"Ok" button. Press either the "
" or "
" button to toggle
between 100ms, 300ms and 600ms. For UK users select
100ms and press "Ok" button to confirm. Press the "PB"
button to exit and the telephone will beep.