Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • Ge BE Do k.N r .: SM AN -E- 413 -V3 .0 Eas y-L oad ing The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 52
Pr in te r C on fig ur at io n
6 Pr in te r C on fig ur at io n
6.1 Configuration over Initialisation-T extPr eserve "TINIT " (Softwar e Switch)
All commands for initializing the contr oller ar e filed in the text file "TINIT ". TINIT is available in the flash memory
of the printer and in the EEPROM (Note: Low-priced contr ollers with minimal functionality may not have an EE-
PROM). An entry in the EEPROM cancels entries in the Flash. For example, if a printer is to print double height
and inverse in data mode, the r elevant commands ar e enter ed in the text file "TINIT". After a RESET , the contr oller
will first carry out its basic initialization, r ead the solder bridge settings, and then pr ocess the commands in the
"TINIT". Ther efor e, the commands in the "TINIT" have final authority r egar ding the valid settings. Custom settings
can also be achieved thr ough entries in the text file "TINIT". If an EEPROM is available, "TINIT" can also be alte-
r ed thr ough an interface.
The basic initialization of the contr oller corr esponds with the following instructions that ar e initially not enter ed in
the "TINIT : <ESC> "A"; <ESC> "D" "0"; <ESC> "H" "0"; <ESC> "I" "0";
<ESC> "L" "0"; <ESC> "M" "0"; <ESC> "N" 0 0; <ESC> "P" 1; <ESC> "S"0; <ESC> "W" "0".
6.2 Entries into the "TINIT", which ar e primarily used
C o m m . ( A S C I I )
C o m m . ( h e x ) F u n c t i o n
<ES C>" Y"n
<ES C> "[" $40 $18
1B 59 1E
1B 5B 4 0 18
Set blac ken ing of the pap er to a med ium valu e of 25
Pow er con sum ptio n to 64 pixe ls, med ium prin t dyn ami cs and prin t qua lity
<ES C> "e" $05
<ES C> "r" "1" .... cha rgin g circ uit con figu rate d for NIM H cell s
<ES C> "]" $0 $0
1B 45 05
Pow er-d own afte r 5 sec ond s reg ardl ess of the buf fer stat us, if ena bled
1B 5D 00 00
Act ivat e the tran smi tter of the seri al inte rfac e
Solder Bridges Sleep Mode, Baud Rate, Text/Data Mode, Adapter SELECT
Ther e ar e four 0-Ohm bridges and two jumpers on the contr oller boar d (optional) .
These bridges will each be inquir ed once during RESET .
N a m e
M e a n i n g
Com men t
BR 204
ena ble Pow er Dow n
text /dat a mod e
With out Br9 , the con troll er afte r a Pow er Up in slee p
mo dus
Dat a mod e: prin ting rota ted by 180 °, first line at the
bot tom pag e mar gin
Def ault : con nec ted (dis able )
Def ault : ope n (tex t mod e)
BR 203
BR2 01/
BR 202
RN 1
Br2 06
Br20 5
RS2 32/C entr
Bau dra te
Cho ice, if the RS2 32 or the Cen tron ics thro ugh SPI
(GC T-4 382 -10 ) is act ive.
Sig nal- and
Han dha ke line s
V ADA PTE R Sele ct
Equ ippe d with TTL leve ls for the seri al inte rfac e
Pin 4 of the seri al inte rfac e can eith er be con nec ted with
RTS ( Han dsh ake inpu t of the con troll er) orw ith Vcc or Vp
(pow er sup ply for exte rnal inte rfac e ada pter )
only con nec ted on ver sion SPI/ Cen tron ics
Def ault : ope n (OF F)
Oth er bau d rate s on req ues t.
Alw ays inqu ired dur ing RES ET.
only con nec ted on ver sion TTL /se rial and
SPI/ Cen tron ics
Stan dard : nur R9 bes tück t - Han dsh ake ein-
gan g wird zum Aufw ecke n ben utzt .
Opt ion: only Br2 06 con nec ted - Vp an J2 / Pin 4
Opt ion: only Br2 05 con nec ted- Vcc an J2 / Pin
Br2 21
/DT R_B lue
Ove r this line the con troll er sen ds the sign al for Slee p
mod us oft the Blut ooth Mod ul GSW -Blu e1.
Defa ult: ope n -
Opt ion: only r Br2 21 con nec ted - /DT R_B lue at
J2 / Pin 4
Br201, Br202, Br203 closed and Br204 open
Br202, Br203 closed and Br201,Br204 open:
activate the OPD-Menue®
Jumper J3 zur Auswahl des Power Down Modus
Na me
Me an ing
Co mm en t
Po we r Do wn
Mo de
Determin es together with Br9, if idle mode,
sleep mode, or power-o ff mode is going to
be used.
Sta nda rd:
plugge d in
= Idl e Mo de in
com bin atio n wit h bes tück ter Br9 .
op en = Sle ep Mo de