Cleaning and Passivation
Cleaning Process Examples
Cleaning and Passivation
All parts in contact with product must be cleaned at regular intervals. Always observe
the safety data sheets issued by the cleaning agent manufacturers. Only use cleaning
agents which do not cause damage to the seals and the inner parts of the valve. When
the pipe is cleaned, the cleaning medium also flows through and cleans the valve hous-
With respect to the cleaning method and parameters like detergents, temperatures,
times and intervals, the component manufacturer can merely make recommendations
but cannot provide any generally applicable details. Method and parameters should be
determined and defined by the operator in accordance with the relevant process.
The cleaning effect must be checked regularly by the operator!
Cleaning Process Examples
Typical Cleaning Parameters in Dairy Operations
Example of a two-phase cleaning process:
Sodium hydroxide and combination products based on sodium hydroxide in concen-
trations from 0.5% to 2.5% at 75°C to 80°C.
Phosphoric acid or nitric acid and combination products based on these acids in
concentrations from 0.3 to 1.5% at approx. 65°C.
Example of a cleaning operation in one cleaning step:
Formic acid and combination products based on formic acid at 85°C.
Typical Cleaning Parameters in Breweries
Example of a two-phase cleaning process:
Sodium hydroxide and combination products based on sodium hydroxide in concen-
trations from 1% to 4% at approx. 85°C.
Phosphoric acid or nitric acid and combination products based on these acids in
concentrations from 0.3 to 1.5% at 20°C.