Trip Characteristics — Power+™
used with MicroVersaTrip Plus™ and MicroVersaTrip PM™
trip units. See Table 16.1 for available ratings.
Table 16.1 Breaker/Sensor/Rating Plug Combinations for Power+
Breaker Frame
Available Rating Plugs
Rating (Amps)
Rating (S)
with or without Ground Fault (X)
80, 100, 125, 150
200, 225, 250, 300, 400
400, 500, 600, 700, 800
800, 1000, 1200, 1600
1000, 1200, 1600, 2000
1200, 1600, 2400, 3200
1600, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000
Power+ trip units are not available on 5000 amp (WP-50) breakers
Current Sensors
Toroidally wound current sensors are furnished for all
major protective functions for the Power+ trip unit and also
for metering if the trip unit is upgraded to MicroVersaTrip
PM — upgrading does not require changing the factory
installed current sensors. There are seven current sensor
ratings for the WavePro breaker line through 4000 amps.
See Table 16.1 above for current sensor ratings. Ratings
plugs must be coordinated with the current sensor rating
(S) listed on the face of the rating plug.
Bell Alarm
Activation of the Bell Alarm is controlled by the trip unit.
All protective function trips initiated by the trip unit will
cause the bell alarm (if so equipped) to operate. Reset of
the bell alarm contacts and the mechanical lockout (if
provided) is by way of the reset button on the breaker
Rating Plugs
Power+™ trip unit rating plug
A new interchangeable rating plug is used in the Power+
trip unit across the entire WavePro circuit breaker product
line. Rating plugs are the key devices that establish the cur-
rent rating of the breaker. They provide an essential scaling
function for the unit’s microprocessor and ensure maxi-
mum accuracy. They are also used to provide ground fault
protection as well as supplying a jack for connection to an
external battery pack or the TVRMS2 trip unit test kit.
Power+ rating plugs are available in three configurations:
• No ground-fault protection
• Ground-fault protection
• Defeatable ground-fault protection (not UL)
The ground fault rating plugs have switches for ground fault
pickup and delay settings. A suffix in the rating plug catalog
number determines whether the rating plug provides
ground fault protection and if the ground fault protection
is defeatable. Refer to Table 27.3 for the appropriate rating
plug catalog number and suffix.
Rating plugs have rejection features that allow them to be
inserted only with breakers containing the correct current
sensors. Rating plugs for the Power+ trip unit cannot be