Page no. 36
GE Healthcare
Senographe SecondLook Digital CAD System
Revision 1
Operator Manual 5189820-5-C-1EN
Further analysis of detected areas is accomplished by clustering individual microcalcifications and region
growing densities. Clusters include 3 or more individual microcalcifications that are each no more than
depicts portions of three different GEMS Senographe full-field digital
mammography images showing how the SecondLook system would highlight microcalcifications clusters
in these examples. Note that t These examples use CAD marks that are rectangular and correspond to
the approximate size of the microcalcifications, although alternative symbols for the CAD marks may be
used. Region growing determines the shape of potential densities as shown in
CalcMarks Highlighting Microcalcifications Clusters
Illustration 3 Region Growing to Determine Shape of Density
After clustering for microcalcifications analysis and region growing for density analysis, clinically relevant
and mathematical features are then computed to describe each detected cluster of microcalcifications
and density. For example, the variability in size and shape of the calcifications in a cluster are good
features to describe clusters of microcalcifications. These features are used by microcalcifications and
density classifiers, which are specifically designed to select the areas most likely to be cancer.
Further analysis uses the context of all areas selected for the patient. For example, there is a maximum
total number of SecondLook CAD marks each 4-image case can include. Simultaneous analysis of all
areas of concern detected in the patient allows the locations most likely to be cancer to be highlighted by
the CAD marks.
a. The minimum number of calcifications
b. The extent of the CalcMark enclosing all calcifications considered as part of the cluster
c. Overlapping CalcMarks are distinctly highlighted even when clusters are close to each
4.1 mm
4.1 mm