Security Pro 7000
only hear in an emergency. Getting to know your system sounds allows you to react quickly and
appropriately to the messages you hear.
Trouble Beeps and Trouble Messages
When your system detects a problem, it lets you know by sounding trouble beeps from system
touchpads and sirens, and by displaying trouble signals as messages on touchpads.
Trouble beeps are a series of five short beeps once a minute.
The table on the next page lists the causes of trouble beeps, the visual display you can expect to
see, and possible solutions for the trouble condition.
Silencing Trouble Beeps
If possible, correct the situation which is causing the trouble beeps. If this is not possible, call for
service. If the problem is not corrected, trouble beeps and messages start again 4 or 10 hours
Your security system also has a feature that will prevent trouble beeps from starting during nor-
mal sleeping hours. This “sleep time” period is normally set from 10 pm to 8 am. Contact your
installer if you wish to verify or change this setting.
To silence trouble beeps:
1. Perform a system status check by pressing
on a touchpad,
2. Change the arming level.
The table on the next page describes the conditions under which trouble beeps occur and when
they begin. (These sounds are heard from interior sirens and touchpads if available.)
Common Questions and Answers
I can’t arm my system.
Try the following:
If arming to Level 2—STAY or Level 3—AWAY, make sure all monitored perimeter doors
and windows are closed.
for a system status and for clues to the problem.
Call the installer.
I cannot bypass a sensor: my alphanumeric touchpad displays “INVALID” and my fixed dis-
play touchpad sounds a single, long beep.
.Possible explanations include:
The sensor you’re trying to bypass may not be active in the current arming level. For exam-
ple, an interior motion detector will not be active in Level 2—STAY.
You may be trying to bypass a 24-hour sensor that cannot be bypassed, such as a smoke
Your access code has not been assigned the direct bypassing attribute. See “Assigning the
Direct Bypassing Attribute”.
I can’t arm my system to Level 3—AWAY.
If a delay door is open while you’re trying to arm the system to Level 3, the system will arm to
Level 2 instead. Close the delay door, arm the system to Level 3, then exit through a delay door.
Phone Issues
How do I disable my system long enough to retrieve messages from work or to do banking over
the phone?
Solutions include:
Disengage the security system from local phone control by entering
. The system
responds by returning a dial tone.
Pick up the phone receiver and wait 5 seconds before dialing
numbers. After the 5 second
period, the system disables local phone control and ignores phone commands.