Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual
Current badge APB current status of OUT, and attempted to gain
access to an APB OUT reader.
TA In Invalid
Current badge T&A current status of IN, and attempted to gain access to
T&A IN reader.
TA Out Invalid
Current badge T&A current status of OUT, and attempted to gain access
to a T&A OUT reader.
Valid Floor
Elevator control with floor tracking is being used and the person was
granted access to the selected floor.
Invalid Floor
Elevator control with floor tracking is being used and the person was not
granted access to the selected floor.
Duress Valid
‘Grant Access on Duress’ is active on this system (selected on the
Parameter Form) and door access was granted with a valid badge. This
selection allows a duress alarm to be generated when a PIN code (with
the final digit incremented by + 1) is entered.
Duress Invalid
‘Grant Access on Duress’ is not active on this system (not selected on
the Parameter Form) and an attempted door access with a PIN code
(with the final digit incremented by + 1) was denied.
Duress Valid
‘Grant Access on Duress’ is active on this system (selected on the
Parameter Form) and door access was granted with a valid badge. This
selection allows a duress alarm to be generated when a PIN code (with
the final digit incremented by + 1) is entered. The door is open.
Duress Valid
No Passage
‘Grant Access on Duress’ is active on this system (selected on the
Parameter Form) and door access was granted with a valid badge. This
selection allows a duress alarm to be generated when a PIN code (with
the final digit incremented by + 1) is entered. The unlock time expired
and the door did not open.
Valid Open
‘Enable Valid No Passage’ is active on this reader. A valid badge read
occurs and the door opens.
Valid No
‘Enable Valid No Passage’ is active on this reader. A valid badge read
occurs but the door did not open within the configured unlock time. This
may be an indication of someone deciding not to pass through the door,
or an accidental read as someone passes a reader.
Invalid PIN
A badge was presented at a reader and an invalid PIN was entered.
This message displays for as many times as you enter an invalid PIN,
unless ‘Max Invalid Pin’ is configured on the Reader Form, Reader tab.
The badge does not grant access.
Max Invalid PIN
‘Max Invalid PIN Count’ is active on this reader and the number of
invalid badge counts has reached the maximum, as configured on the
Reader Form, Reader tab. The badge did not grant access and the
badge is suspended.
The following are intrusion zone activities:
Zone Armed
By reader, DI, or manual control.
Zone Disarmed
By reader, DI, or manual control.
Failed, Zone
Not Secure
An alarm is in alarm state. Device or badge transaction failed.
Failed, Time
No badge transaction. The 10-second time period allowed for
completion of the arm/disarm process at keypad and reader, has
Failed, Invalid
Access Right
Intrusion Zone not assigned to access right or is invalid.
Reader is not assigned to the zone.