Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual
Reader Tab
Reference Topics:
Read and Keypad-Type Reader
Keypad Only Type Reader
Normal Type Reader
Reader Form
This tab contains the basic information about the reader.
Element Description
This is a read-only field. The description of the micro that controls this reader.
This is a read-only field. The default description is in the format:
mmmm-b Board
represents the micro number to which this reader is associated,
represents the board number, and
Board Type
represents the reader board.
For example,
0001—1 8RP
would be the reader on micro one, 8RP board one.
This is a read-only field. The number of the reader (For a Micro/5-PX: 1 to 16; for a
Micro/PX-2000: 1 to 4). The number corresponds to where the reader is connected on
the micro. See the
Micro/5 Installation Guide
Micro/PX-2000 and Micro/PXN-2000
Installation Guide
for more information.
There are three options; select:
CASI-RUSCO Supervised if using a CASI-RUSCO supervised reader such as the
94x or 97x series proximity readers set for supervised F/2F.
CASI-RUSCO 440/445 if using a CASI-RUSCO Model 440, Model 445, or Model
Other if using a reader that does not fit into the above categories.
This field is automatically enabled when this reader record is created. An
online reader will accept a valid card read and unlock a door, provided it is one of the
licensed active readers. You also have the option to schedule a reader off-line. When
the reader is off-line, the reader will not accept valid card reads, will not unlock a door,
and transactions display on the Activity
Monitor as Invalid.
This field is automatically selected and allows the accepting of badge
transactions when this reader record is created. The number of active readers counts
against your reader limit, as defined by your software license. For example, if your
license key allows the use of 64 readers, you may have only 64 readers marked as
This reader requires only a valid badge to gain access.
Badge and Keypad: This reader requires a valid badge
a valid number (PIN)
entered on the keypad to gain access.
Badge or Keypad
This reader requires you to enter either a valid badge number on
the keypad
a valid badge to gain access.
Logical type
Normal: Allows as many successive accesses as needed, as long as the badge
is valid.
in: Anti-passback in. This type of reader (which gives an IN status) is used
to enter an area. This reader will not release a door a second time until that
badge is presented to an APB out reader connected to the same micro or, if you
selected Enable global APB on the Settings Tab of the Parameters Form, a
different micro. All micros are updated.
out: Anti-passback out. This type of reader (which gives an OUT status) is
used to leave an area. This reader will not release a door a second time until that
badge is presented to an APB in reader connected to the same micro or, if you
selected Enable global APB on the Settings Tab of the Parameters Form, a
different micro. All micros are updated.
Secure Perfect Global Edition
: You must configure this reader as APB if you
plan to include this reader in a Region APB configuration. Only designated APB
reader types display for selection on the
Region Form