SecoGear Medium-voltage Switchgear Application and Technical Guide
SecoGear Switchgear Applications
©2017 General Electric All Rights Reserved
Control Voltage: Available control voltages are 48 Vdc,
125 Vdc, 250 Vdc, 120 Vac, and 240 Vac. For AC control, if
a reliable 120 Vac/240 Vac source is not available at the
site, then include a control power transformer connected
to each incoming line in each lineup, plus an
autocharged, capacitor-trip device for each circuit
breaker in the lineup.
Remote Control: For circuit breakers controlled from a
remote location, choose the remote control scheme from
those listed in Table 4-1. From this table, Scheme C is
recommended, since it provides maximum operating
flexibility. It requires the use of a breaker position switch
in conjunction with the breaker control switch to provide
the permissive function. With Scheme C, remote close
and trip is possible only with the breaker in the
“test/disconnect” position and local trip with the breaker
in the “connect” or “test/disconnect” position.
Figure 5-1: General-Purpose Feeder