NX-10 User Manual 34
Alarm memory
A list of alarms and where they occurred
since the system was last armed.
A group of zones which operate as a unit.
A partition is also known as an area.
A menu option that assigns a code to the
selected user that arms or disarms the
system depending on its current status.
Selected zones are protected.
Arm Only After Closing
A menu option that assigns a code to the
selected user to arm the system after a
certain time only.
Arm Only
A menu option that assigns a code to the
selected user that only arms the system.
Bypass Zones
A menu option that specifies the rights of
the selected user to bypass zones. (
menu group)
A menu option that specifies the zones to
be bypassed.
Bypassed zones
Zones that are left open when the rest of
the system is armed. They can be entered
without triggering an alarm.
A local low volume vibrating audio output,
typically located in the keypad.
Central station
A remote location that is designed to mon-
itor signals and reports from alarm sys-
tems and summon assistance if
Control Outputs
A yes/no option that enables/disables the
Outputs menu.
authority is selected for the user,
this user loses his/her master user rights!
Remember to set this authority for regular
user codes only!
Control panel
The central point of an alarm system mon-
itoring the detection devices and activat-
ing any number of signalling devices.
Detector Reset
A menu option that resets the fire detec-
tors after an alarm. The fire alarm icon is
displayed (also keypad beeps if you arm)
until the detectors have been reset.
Selected zones are not protected.
Event log
A temporary log containing all the alarms
and faults that occurred while the system
is on (either armed or disarmed).
Expansion module
A module that can be added to the control
panel to increase its functionality. For ex-
ample, a keypad, audio panel or a card