RX3i Ethernet Interface Module IC695ETM001-HV IPI
February 2016
Restrictions and Open Issues
SRTP communication delays
Average latency of communications on SRTP channels may vary
considerably due to TCP retransmissions. SRTP client applications should
be designed to take this variance into account. In particular, SRTP client
applications migrating from Series 90 SRTP servers to PACSystems may
need to lengthen SRTP timeout parameters.
Spurious ‘Ethernet Failure’
On rare occasions, the error “Module hardware fault” may be reported on
the Ethernet daughterboard. The corresponding fault in the exception log
is Event = 1, followed by text "Ethernet failure". This fault is a nuisance fault
and may be ignored.
Spurious Ethernet fault
In rare instances, after power cycle, the Ethernet Interface may log the
following fault, Event = 28H, Entry 2 = 000eH. This fault can be safely
Unexpected EGD COMMREQ
EGD Commands may return COMMREQ Status 9590H (= internal error)
instead of the expected B190H (= Can’t locate remote node) when unable
to locate a remote device on the network.
Very heavy EGD production/
consumption at server may
cause EGD command timeouts
Very heavy EGD production and/or consumption at a server device may
cause EGD command timeout errors when another device attempts to
send EGD commands to that server. If EGD commands must preempt
normal production, you may set the “gcmd_pri” Advanced User Parameter
to 2 (see GFK-2224, Appendix A). Note that by doing so, EGD exchange
production may be delayed.
SRTP server errors can cause
timeouts at channel client
The SRTP Server in the PACSystems Ethernet Interface can encounter
various errors if a remote Series 90 client takes down an SRTP connection
and then establishes a new connection. This can cause unexpected
channel timeout errors 0190H or 0290H at the client. The SRTP server
errors in the Ethernet exception log are identified as Event = 2; Entry 2 may
be 001cH, or 0021H.