To check performance, turn the stop screw in until one contact
continuity lamp is lit.
Turn stop screw in an additional 1/2 turn
and all continuity lamps should be lit.
Back off the stop screw to obtain at least 1/4 inch contact gap.
Insert a 7/32-inch gage between any of the normally-open moving and
stationary contacts and turn the stop screw clockwise until the
continuity lamp lights.
Lock the stop screw in this position with
the locking nut.
3.2. Normally-Closed Contact Gap and Wipe
The moving contact arms must be adjusted so that the normally-closed
contacts make approximately simultaneously (�.008) when the relay is
operated by hand. The wipe and gap are automatically set by the formation
of the stationary contacts and the strength of the control spring.
Adjustments can be made as follows:
Turn the stop screw clockwise until the first normally-closed contact
Turn the stop screw an additional 1/2 turn clockwise. All normally-
closed contacts should be open.
iii) Turn stop screw counterclockwise until there is approximately 1/8 gap
between the stop screw and armature.
Lock the stop screw in this
The main coil should be adjusted to pick up at 80% of rated voltage for AC
relays, and 60% of rated voltage for DC relays. This adjustment may be obtained by
unseating the knurled adjusting nut at the lower end of the armature and turning
this nut in a clockwise direction to raise the pickup. The pickup is decreased by
turning the nut in the counterclockwise direction.
The reset coil should pick up at 80% of rated AC voltage, and 50% to 75% of
rated DC voltage. There is no adjustment available to alter this pickup. Since the
reset coil is rated intermittently, care should be exercised when applying this
After all adjustments are completed, the mounted relay should be operated a few
times to be certain that the mechanism operates freely and that the contact surfaces
align properly.
Check to see that the armature latches in when operated by hand,
and opens readily when reset.
When ordering renewal parts, address the nearest Sales Office of the General
Electric Company, specify quantity required, name of the part wanted, and the
complete nameplate data. The renewable parts publication is GEF-2757.
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