3.2 Configure the Master
3.2.1 GSD File
In order to configure a PROFIBUS Master, the configuration tool needs a GSD file for each type of slave on the network. The GSD file is a PROFIBUS DP standard
text file containing the necessary communications set-up data for a slave. Download the GSD file for the AF-6 Series drives at www.geelectrical.com/drives.
The first step in configuration of the PROFIBUS master is to import the GSD
file in the configuration tool. The steps outlined below show how to add a
new GSD file to the Simatic Manager software tool. For each drive series, a
GSD file is typically imported once only, following the initial installation of
the software tool.
Using the browser for the GSD file, choose to install all files, which will mean
that both a GSD file and a bitmap for the device will be imported into the
hardware catalog.
AF-650 GP/AF-600 FP Profibus DP Instruction Manual