Security Pro 500
If, for example, you arm the system, then run upstairs for something you forgot, the Exit Delay
time may expire. Once the Exit Delay expires, opening an armed door or moving in front of a
motion detector will cause an alarm.
Aborting Accidental Alarms
Your system can be set up with the opportunity to abort an accidental intrusion, Police or Auxil-
iary alarm.
If the Dialer Abort feature is turned on, disarming the system within a specified time period will
silence the siren and prevent the alarm from being reported to the central monitoring station (thus
aborting the alarm). Your system will display “report aborted” for a few seconds, if you disarm
before the alarm is reported. If you don’t disarm in time to abort the central station report, the
system will automatically send an “alarm cancelled” report to the central station when the system
is disarmed. Follow the procedures of your central station to prevent a false dispatch. See “Alarm
Information” in Appendix A to determine if this feature is enabled for your system.
Fire alarms caused by smoke sensors, fire panic alarms, and heat sensors cannot be aborted. Dis-
arming a fire alarm will silence the siren, but fire alarms are
reported. If an accidental fire
alarm has sounded, follow the procedures of your central monitoring station to prevent a false
There is a communicator delay (Dialer Abort Delay) of 30 seconds programmed into this panel. The
panel will delay 30 seconds before dialing the central monitoring station or a numeric pager to send
reports. You can have your installer program this delay time between 15 - 45 seconds.
To cancel an alarm:
Code (or
Guidelines for Preventing Accidental Alarms
Following these guidelines will go a long way toward preventing accidental alarms.
Close doors and windows before you leave your house.
When getting ready to leave the house, gather the things you want to take with you so you can
exit immediately after arming the system.
Always enter and exit within the programmed delay times.
Make sure you leave through a door that has a delay time set for it. If you arm your system,
then leave through a door without a delay time, an alarm will immediately sound.
When you return, immediately disarm your system.
Be aware of the devices in your security system and learn how each one operates.
Listen to system beeps. Take note of any touchpad messages or lights that indicate the current
system status.
If you have pets, ask your installer if you need pet lenses in your motion detectors. Pets climb
higher than you may guess, causing alarms when you are away.
Check the location of your smoke detectors. Smoke detectors near bathrooms can be tripped
by steam from a shower. Smoke detectors near the kitchen can be tripped by cooking smoke.
Refer to the User Sheet in Appendix A to determine what the specific settings are for your sys-
Exit and Entry
Delay Times
After arming your system, you need time to exit the building so you won’t set off an alarm. Like-
wise, upon returning to your home or business, you’ll need enough time to open the door and get
to a touchpad to disarm the system.
Exit Delay
is a period of time long enough to let you leave through a designated delay
door after arming the system.
Entry Delay
is a period of time long enough to let you unlock a designated delay door
and get to a touchpad to disarm the system.
Exit Delay Example
You’re about to go on an errand. You are inside your house and have just armed the system to
Level 3—AWAY.