Security Pro 500
Arming Your
Since your security needs may vary throughout the day, the system was designed with three arm-
ing levels. By arming your system to a particular level, only those sensors programmed to detect
in that arming level will report alarms.
Level 1—OFF
Use Level 1 when intrusion detection is not necessary. For example, on an active Saturday morn-
ing—kids playing inside and out; someone working in the garage; various house projects going
Even though Level 1 disarms the system, your system continues to monitor for fire, smoke, car-
bon monoxide, and/or panic alarms if your system has these devices installed.
Here are some other situations in which you’d set the system to Level 1—OFF:
Upon entering your armed home or business.
When entering the armed premises through a
designated delay door, the entry delay time begins. Entry Delay beeps remind you to disarm
the system.
Before opening a door or window while inside or outside the armed home or business
you wake up in the morning and want to get your newspaper, you must disarm the system
before opening the door to prevent an accidental alarm. (See the section on “Preventing Acci-
dental Alarms” if you would like to be able to leave quickly when the system is armed.)
To stop sirens and cancel an alarm.
When an alarm condition occurs, disarming the system
turns off any sirens.
To disarm to Level 1—OFF using a touchpad:
1. Press
. Touchpads display “Enter Code.”
2. Enter your access code. Touchpads display date and time or programmed text.
3. The system sounds one long beep.
Arming Level 2—STAY
There are times when you want intrusion protection, but still want the freedom to move around
within your house without setting off an alarm. For example, in the evening when your family is
inside for the night. In this and similar situations, arm your system to 2—STAY.
To arm to Level 2—STAY using a touchpad:
1. Close all protected perimeter doors and windows.
2. Press
at any touchpad. Touchpads display, “Enter Code.”
3. Enter your access code. Touchpads display, “Armed to STAY.”
4. The system sounds two short beeps. ARMED indicators on fixed display touchpads will light
(indicator will flash during the exit delay). The exit beeps begin.
5. If leaving the premises, exit through a designated delay door immediately.
Arming Level 3—AWAY
At other times, you want every sensor to be alert: When the family is away from home, or, in a
business, after closing time.
In this and similar situations, set your system to 3—AWAY for maximum protection. All sensors
are active—perimeter door and window sensors, and interior motion detectors.
To arm to Level 3—AWAY using a touchpad:
1. Close all perimeter doors and windows.
2. Press
at any touchpad. Touchpads display, “Enter Code.”
3. Enter your access code. Touchpads display, “Armed to AWAY.”
4. The system sounds three short beeps. ARMED indicators on fixed display touchpads will
light (indicator will flash during the exit delay). The exit beeps begin.
5. Exit through a designated delay door immediately.