: A string of up to 40 characters that represent the IEC 61850 GOOSE
application ID (GoID). This string identifies the GOOSE Tx message to the receiving
VLAN Identifier/Priority
: a two-byte value whose 3 most significant bits define the
user priority and the twelve least significant bits are for the VLAN identifier. I.e. 32768.
: to select ISO/IEC 8802-3 frames containing GSE Management and
GOOSE messages and to distinguish the application association.
Update Time
: time to delay transmission of the next iteration of a particular GOOSE
message if no value within the message has changed. I.e. 60. Measured in ms.
Conf Revision Number
: This number updates automatically after Tx data set has been
modified and the relay power has been cycled.
Destination MAC Address
: This setting is required to ensuring interoperability as some
vendors require valid range of destination MAC addresses in GOOSE messages.
Quality Flags
: In order to ensure interoperability with some vendors, it has been
added a quality flag associated to a data item. The quality flags item only can be set if
its associated data item is selected. The data type of the quality flags is Bitstring13
and the attribute will always set to value “0” at the protocol level.
All the elements in a dataset can be mapped by the user to any available digital value
within the 345 relay, including:
Alarm elements
Protection elements (Pickup, Dropout and Operate of all available protection elements)
Control element (all available control elements)
Status of digital inputs
Status of digital outputs
Status of virtual inputs
Status of virtual outputs.
The destination multicast address for GOOSE messages is composed of the MAC address
of the device, with the least significant bit in the most significant byte, set to 1.
The 345 relay does not generate ICD files that describe the format of transmitted GOOSE
items. EnerVista SR3 software is used to generate these files, and the files must contain at
least the following information:
Mandatory Nodes: LLN0, LPHD, GGIO, etc.
GOOSE Configuration: Control Block, Dataset, etc.
Dataset configuration.
Once a GOOSE message is transmitted, it will be retransmitted at an increasing time
interval as follows: 4ms, 8ms, 16ms, and then 1 second.
The 345 firmware allows the user to configure up to 8 separate GOOSE messages for
reception. One GOOSE message consists of 2 parts: Header and Dataset. The Header is
used for identification and the Dataset for data handling.
At this point , it is convenient to clarify the difference between Remote GOOSE and Remote
Device. One Remote Device can send more than one GOOSE, so from the reception point of
view, it is not very useful to handle Remote Devices. Instead, it is simpler to deal with
Remote GOOSE messages.
The 345 firmware is able to receive up to a total of 8 remote GOOSE messages transmitted
from up to a maximum of 8 remote devices.