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Upper Heater TCO
Upper Heaters, Convection, and Oven Cavity
Each upper heater is connected to a TCO that
automatically shuts off the halogen heater in the
event of excessive temperatures. An open upper
heater TCO will allow convection and microwave
The convection heater is connected to a TCO that
automatically shuts off the convection heater
in the event of excessive temperatures. An open
convection heater TCO will allow halogen heater
and microwave operation.
The oven cavity TCO, when open, will disconnect L1
voltage to the power board and all oven functions
will not operate, including the display.
When replacing a TCO, be sure to determine the
cause of failure. The convection heater TCO can
be accessed by removing the rear cover. The outer
cover must be removed to access the upper heaters,
magnetron, and oven TCOs. (See
Oven Removal /
Partial Removal
The upper heater TCOs are mounted on the heat
shield above the upper heater assembly.
The oven cavity TCO is mounted on the exhaust
duct on the left side of the oven.
The convection heater TCO is mounted on a
metal plate that is attached to the convection
motor bracket.
All TCOs are held in place by a single Phillips-
head screw.
All TCOs open at 302°F and cannot be reset.
Oven Cavity TCO
Convection Heater TCO