GDS-68XP Operation & Maintenance Manual, Revision 3.4
Page 38
Figure 9-4: Channel Settings Menu Tree (2)
Hydrogen Sulfide
E. Units ppmH2S
Zero 0.00
Span 100.0
Decimal Points 0
Channel On? Yes
Deadband (%) 0.00
Backup/Restore →
Offset 1.73
Gain 1.00
Cal Zero 0.00
Cal Span 100.0
Set Unity Gain →
Temp. Comp.
Temp. Comp.
Temp. Comp.
Temp. Comp.
Temp Gain Offset
-40 1.00 +0.00
-30 1.00 +0.00
-20 1.00 +0.00
-10 1.00 +0.00
0 1.00 +0.00
+10 1.00 +0.00
+20 1.00 +0.00
+30 1.00 +0.00
+40 1.00 +0.00
+50 1.00 +0.00
Configure Menu
Measurement Name
– User-programmable character string to describe the
channel. Otherwise called “tag name”.
E. Units
– User-programmable character string that describes the
engineering units value.
– Channel zero value, typically “0”.
– Channel full scale value. Max value is “9999”.
Decimal Points
– Determines the number of displayed digits to the right of
the decimal point.
Channel On?
– Channel ON or OFF setting. An “OFF” channel will have no
effect on any alarm or output value.
Deadband (%)
– The value, around zero, for which the screen will show
“0.0”. Eliminates display of small values around zero due to sensor drift.
Backup / Restore
Temperature Compensation
compensates for changes in sensor output
(gain) and zero value (offset) as sensor temperature changes. Individual
values for gain and offset can be entered for eleven points ranging from
minus 40C to +60C. Gain and offset values are linearly interpolated
between points by the internal microprocessor.
NOTE: These values are typically set by the sensor manufacturer and
should not be changed.
Calibrate Menu
Offset –
Shows the computed offset value based on the latest calibration.
Gain –
Shows the computed gain value based on the latest calibration.
Cal Zero –
The value for the zero point calibration
Cal Span –
The value for span calibration, typically 50% of full scale.
Set Unity Gain
– Clears gain and offset to “1.00” and “0.00” respectively.
WARNING: Set Unity Gain resets calibration data.