Saber PanelMount NVIS
90-3104-005 User’s Manual
Page 24
Appendix II: Cleaning AR Filters
General instructions for the handling and cleaning of antireflective-coated optical filters.
This document is intended to provide our customers with the proper handling and
cleaning instructions to prevent degradation of most AR-coated optical filter surfaces.
Please read entire procedure before starting the cleaning process.
Glass optical filters can be easily cleaned without causing any damage when handled
properly. The cleaning instructions described in this document define the proper methods
for removing contaminants from the surface of most optical filters.
1) Latex Gloves
Disposable, oil-free, without powder, Ipco Safety P/N HLINGRPR or equivalent.
Always test new gloves first by trying to fingerprint a corner of the optical filter
outside of the viewing area. Clean this area immediately if a smudge is left behind.
2) Compressed Nitrogen or Helium or Filtered Ionized Air from an Oil-less
Compressor or Equivalent.
3) Anti-Tarnish Silver Tissue Paper
Low lint, non-abrasive, non-doped (e.g., without colorants or oils; pH balanced)
from Ontario Corporation or Lensx
from Berkshire Corporation.
4) Cleaning Cloth
Disposable, soft, non-doped (e.g., without colorants or oils; pH balanced), bathroom
tissue (toilet paper) (i.e., Quilted Northern
from Georgia-Pacific Corporation, hypo-
allergenic tissue from Scott
Paper or equivalent).
5) Solvents
a) VM & P Naphtha
b) Acetone
c) 100% isopropyl alcohol
d) 100% ethyl alcohol (if denatured ethyl alcohol is used, it must be tested to ensure
a residual is not left behind after cleaning)
1) All persons handling optical filters must wear the recommended gloves at all times.
Never touch optical filters with bare hands.
2) Care should be taken to prevent anything other than the protective tissue from
contacting the optical filter’s viewing area. Never let a filter slide across any surface.