Setup the GPS Tracker by SMS:
GPS Tracker also enables the user to complete the setup through SMS.
a) Setup APN, send SMS “security code-I-APN-XXXXXXX ”,
XXXXXXX is your local APN name.
b) Setup APN username and password if necessary.
Send SMS “security code-I-UN-XXXXXXX ”,
XXXXXXX means your user name for APN.
Send SMS “security code-I-PW-XXXXXXX ”,
XXXXXXX means your password for APN.
c) Setup Server IP.
Send SMS “security code-I-IP-XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ”,
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX means your IP address .
d) Setup Port number.
Send SMS “security code-I-PORT-XXXXX ”,
XXXXX is the port number of Server application.
e) Start up GPRS connection.
Send SMS “security code-GPRS-ON ”, GPS Tracker will try to
establish the GPRS connection according to the user setting.
17.4 Send command through server application to GPS Tracker
and check the reply message
July 2009