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2.3 Product Features
- 230V/400V Three phase Pure sine wave inverter.
- Self-consump�on and feed-in to the grid.
- Auto restart while AC is recovering.
- Programmable supply priority for ba�ery or grid.
- Programmable mul�ple opera�on modes: On grid, off grid and UPS.
- Configurable ba�ery charging current/voltage based on applica�ons by LCD se�ng.
- Configurable AC/Solar/Generator Charger priority by LCD se�ng.
- Compa�ble with mains voltage or generator power.
- Overload/over temperature/short circuit protec�on.
- Smart ba�ery charger design for op�mized ba�ery performance
- With limit func�on, prevent excess power overflow to the grid.
- Suppor�ng WIFI monitoring and build-in 2 strings for 1 MPP tracker, 1 string for 1 MPP tracker.
- Smart se�able three stages MPPT charging for op�mized ba�ery performance.
- Time of use func�on.
- Smart Load Func�on.
2.4 Basic System Architecture
2.5 Maintenance of the System
The following illustra�on shows basic applica�on of this inverter.
It also includes following devices to have a Complete running system.
- Generator or U�lity
- PV modules
Consult with your system integrator for other possible system architectures depending on your
This inverter can power all kinds of appliances in home or office environment, including motor
type appliances such as refrigerator and air condi�oner.
Backup Load
Cloud services
On-Grid Home Load
Grid-connected Inverter
Smart Load
AC cable
DC cable
The inverter is low maintenance, however, it is important that at least twice a year (for dusty
environments this may need to be carried out weekly) all the cooling fans, air ducts are cleaned
and dust free.Check if there are no fault codes and Lithium ba�ery communica�on is correct.
Weekly cleaning statement:Suggest micromesh filters as an available op�on.