Step 1:
1. Stand up two Frames (A), using two Connecting Pieces (I, J) slide from top to bottom and
affix the panels together.
2. Stand up a frame meant to be next to the Door (B) and a Door Frame (D), placing the door
frame either on the left or right, then use two Connecting Pieces (E) slide from top to bottom
to affix the Panel B and Door Frame D.
3. When assembling Angled Panels (A), you should put the two panels at 135 degree angle
then use the angled Connecting Pieces (I) and (J) slide from top to bottom to affix the panels
4. Frame screening should be facing the outside of the unit.
5. Door frame step down is on the inside of the unit.
6. When sliding the part I, J and E into the frames shake the frames for it too slide. Do not
apply excess force. Make sure the edges are clean from any extra paint if necessary use a
fine file.