Gato Audio NPM - Network Player Module
Page 8
Connecting to Bluetooth
Before connecting the NPM to a Bluetooth device (your phone, tablet or computer), you need to screw in the antenna to the back of the
amplifi er where it says “BT antenna”, as per the drawing on page 5. To hear music from Bluetooth choose the BT input on your amplifi er.
Initial Connection
For initial connection press the “BT connect” button on the back of the amplifi er once. Then go to the settings of the Bluetooth device
(your phone or tablet) and connect to (the model name of your amplifi er) eg. “Gato Audio DIA-250S”.
Disable Bluetooth
To disable Bluetooth on the NPM press and hold the “BT connect” button on the back of the amplifi er for 2-5 seconds. All connected
Bluetooth devices should now be disconnected. To Enable Bluetooth again press and hold the “BT connect” button 2-5 seconds. All
previously connected devices should automatically reconnect if they have Bluetooth enabled.
If you stopped the Bluetooth function on your phone or tablet, you will need to reconnect. Go to the settings of the Bluetooth device (your
phone or tablet) and connect to (the model name of your amplifi er) eg. “Gato Audio DIA-250S”. Alternatively enable Bluetooth on your
phone or tablet, then turn off your amplifi er and turn it back on. The Bluetooth device should automatically reconnect.
Multiple Connections
The NPM Bluetooth supports multiple devices to be connected at the same time. While a device is connected, press the “BT connect”
button on the back of the amplifi er once. Then go to the settings of the new Bluetooth device (your phone or tablet) and connect to (the
model name of your amplifi er) eg. “Gato Audio DIA-250S”. The fi rst device has priority over the following devices.
The NPM Bluetooth stores up to 10 devices that have been connected. When it has stored 10 devices it will automatically make room for
new by deleting the oldest device fi rst.