Gateway E-100 User Manual Download Page 2

Summary of Contents for E-100

Page 1: ...USER GUIDE Gateway Disc Drive ...

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Page 3: ...1 UsingtheExternalDiscDrive Identifying features Connecting the drive Using the drive Inserting a CD or DVD Installing the software ...

Page 4: ...the disc tray Manualeject hole If the disc tray will not open by pressing the eject button manually eject the disc by inserting an opened paper clip into the manual eject hole Eject button Manual eject hole Component Description Power connector Plug the optional AC adapter cable into this connector Power connector ...

Page 5: Connecting the drive To connect the drive 1 Connect the optional AC adapter to the drive s power connector then connect the other end to an AC outlet Component Description USB port Connect the USB cable to this port USB port ...

Page 6: the drive You can use your drive to install programs play audio CDs play DVDs access data record music and data to CD R or CD RW discs and record video and data to DVD R DVD R DVD RW DVD RW double layer DVD R or DVD RAM discs To use the double layer capability of the double layer recordable DVD drive the blank DVDs you purchase must state Double Layer Dual Layer or DL Using other types of blan...

Page 7: ... disc so the name of the side you want to play is facing up 2 Place the disc in the tray with the label facing up then press down carefully on the disc until it snaps into place 3 Push the tray in until it is closed Installing the software You may have received installation discs for DVD viewing and disc creation programs If your notebook does not already include these programs you can install the...

Page 8: ...uchasaradiator Setupthediscdriveonastableworksurface Thediscdriveshouldbeoperatedonlyfromthetypeofpowersourceindicated ontheratinglabel Ifyouuseanextensioncordwiththisdiscdrive makesurethatthetotal ampereratingontheproductspluggedintotheextensioncorddoesnot exceedtheextensioncordampererating Care during use Donotwalkonthepowercordorallowanythingtorestonit Donotspillanythingonthediscdrive Thebestwa...

Page 9: ...ncreasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhich thereceiverisconnected Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio TVtechnicianforhelp ComplianceAccessories Theaccessoriesassociatedwiththisdiscdriveare AC adapterandUSBcable Theseaccessoriesarerequiredtobeusedinorderto ensurecompliancewithFCCrules Canada Unintentional emitter per ICES 00...

Page 10: ...rdsand regulations EN55022 CISPR22 ElectromagneticInterference EN55024 IEC61000 4 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 ElectromagneticImmunity EN61000 3 2 IEC61000 3 2 PowerLineHarmonics EN61000 3 3 IEC61000 3 3 PowerLineFlicker EN60950 IEC60950 ProductSafety CECaution Duetothefactthatthefrequenciesusedby802 11bwirelessLAN devicesmaynotyetbeharmonizedinallcountries 802 11bproductsare designedforuseonlyinspecificcountri...

Page 11: ...s Whenyourelectricalorelectronicequipmentisnolongerusefultoyou take itback toyourlocalorregionalwastecollectionadministrationforrecycling Insomecases your endoflife productmaybe tradedin forcredittowards thepurchaseofnewGatewayequipment CallGatewaytoseeifthisprogramis availableinyourarea Ifyouneedfurtherassistanceinrecycling reusing ortradinginyour endof life product youmaycontactusattheCustomerCa...

Page 12: ...yWeb siteatwww gateway com InnoeventwillGatewaybeliablefordirect indirect special exemplary incidental orconsequentialdamagesresultingfromany defectoromissioninthismanual evenifadvisedofthepossibilityofsuch damages Intheinterestofcontinuedproductdevelopment Gatewayreservestherightto makeimprovementsinthismanualandtheproductsitdescribesatanytime withoutnoticesorobligation TrademarkAcknowledgments G...

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Page 14: ...MAN CYCLOPS EXT ODD GDE R0 03 06 ...
