Gateway E-100 User Manual Download Page 11

Important safety information


Environmental information

The product you have purchased contains extracted natural resources that have 
been used in the manufacturing process. This product may contain substances 
known to be hazardous to the environment or to human health.

To prevent releases of harmful substances into the environment and to maximize 
the use of our natural resources, Gateway provides the following information on 
how you can responsibly recycle or reuse most of the materials in your “end of 
life” product.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (commonly known a 
WEEE) should never be disposed of in the municipal waste stream 
(residential garbage collection). The “Crossed-Out Waste Bin” label 
affixed to this product is your reminder to dispose of your “end of 
life” product properly.

Substances such as glass, plastics, and certain chemical compounds are highly 
recoverable, recyclable, and reusable. You can do your part for the environment 
by following these simple steps:

When your electrical or electronic equipment is no longer useful to you, “take 
it back” to your local or regional waste collection administration for recycling.

In some cases, your “end of life” product may be “traded in” for credit towards 
the purchase of new Gateway equipment. Call Gateway to see if this program is 
available in your area.

If you need further assistance in recycling, reusing, or trading in your “end of 
life” product, you may contact us at the Customer Care number listed in your 
product’s user guide and we will be glad to help you with your effort.

Finally, we suggest that you practice other environmentally friendly actions by 
understanding and using the energy-saving features of this product (where 
applicable), recycling the inner and outer packaging (including shipping 
containers) this product was delivered in, and by disposing of or recycling used 
batteries properly.

With your help, we can reduce the amount of natural resources needed to produce 
electrical and electronic equipment, minimize the use of landfills for the disposal 
of “end of life” products, and generally improve our quality of life by ensuring that 
potentially hazardous substances are not released into the environment and are 
disposed of properly.

Summary of Contents for E-100

Page 1: ...USER GUIDE Gateway Disc Drive ...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...1 UsingtheExternalDiscDrive Identifying features Connecting the drive Using the drive Inserting a CD or DVD Installing the software ...

Page 4: ...the disc tray Manualeject hole If the disc tray will not open by pressing the eject button manually eject the disc by inserting an opened paper clip into the manual eject hole Eject button Manual eject hole Component Description Power connector Plug the optional AC adapter cable into this connector Power connector ...

Page 5: Connecting the drive To connect the drive 1 Connect the optional AC adapter to the drive s power connector then connect the other end to an AC outlet Component Description USB port Connect the USB cable to this port USB port ...

Page 6: the drive You can use your drive to install programs play audio CDs play DVDs access data record music and data to CD R or CD RW discs and record video and data to DVD R DVD R DVD RW DVD RW double layer DVD R or DVD RAM discs To use the double layer capability of the double layer recordable DVD drive the blank DVDs you purchase must state Double Layer Dual Layer or DL Using other types of blan...

Page 7: ... disc so the name of the side you want to play is facing up 2 Place the disc in the tray with the label facing up then press down carefully on the disc until it snaps into place 3 Push the tray in until it is closed Installing the software You may have received installation discs for DVD viewing and disc creation programs If your notebook does not already include these programs you can install the...

Page 8: ...uchasaradiator Setupthediscdriveonastableworksurface Thediscdriveshouldbeoperatedonlyfromthetypeofpowersourceindicated ontheratinglabel Ifyouuseanextensioncordwiththisdiscdrive makesurethatthetotal ampereratingontheproductspluggedintotheextensioncorddoesnot exceedtheextensioncordampererating Care during use Donotwalkonthepowercordorallowanythingtorestonit Donotspillanythingonthediscdrive Thebestwa...

Page 9: ...ncreasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhich thereceiverisconnected Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio TVtechnicianforhelp ComplianceAccessories Theaccessoriesassociatedwiththisdiscdriveare AC adapterandUSBcable Theseaccessoriesarerequiredtobeusedinorderto ensurecompliancewithFCCrules Canada Unintentional emitter per ICES 00...

Page 10: ...rdsand regulations EN55022 CISPR22 ElectromagneticInterference EN55024 IEC61000 4 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 ElectromagneticImmunity EN61000 3 2 IEC61000 3 2 PowerLineHarmonics EN61000 3 3 IEC61000 3 3 PowerLineFlicker EN60950 IEC60950 ProductSafety CECaution Duetothefactthatthefrequenciesusedby802 11bwirelessLAN devicesmaynotyetbeharmonizedinallcountries 802 11bproductsare designedforuseonlyinspecificcountri...

Page 11: ...s Whenyourelectricalorelectronicequipmentisnolongerusefultoyou take itback toyourlocalorregionalwastecollectionadministrationforrecycling Insomecases your endoflife productmaybe tradedin forcredittowards thepurchaseofnewGatewayequipment CallGatewaytoseeifthisprogramis availableinyourarea Ifyouneedfurtherassistanceinrecycling reusing ortradinginyour endof life product youmaycontactusattheCustomerCa...

Page 12: ...yWeb siteatwww gateway com InnoeventwillGatewaybeliablefordirect indirect special exemplary incidental orconsequentialdamagesresultingfromany defectoromissioninthismanual evenifadvisedofthepossibilityofsuch damages Intheinterestofcontinuedproductdevelopment Gatewayreservestherightto makeimprovementsinthismanualandtheproductsitdescribesatanytime withoutnoticesorobligation TrademarkAcknowledgments G...

Page 13: ......

Page 14: ...MAN CYCLOPS EXT ODD GDE R0 03 06 ...
