PS QL Datasheet
Possibility to edit registrations
User can edit the registration data (like the username or password) for each registration.
The user can change parts of the registration without the need to re-register the window.
Possibility to see the password, which is stored in the registration
The passwords stored in the registration are not shown by default but the user can make
them visible during editing.
Links to registered pages in menu to allow user to access the registered
pages and replay the registrations by one simple click
The web pages, which are registered by the user, will be listed in a submenu of the main
control menu. When user selects such a registration the web browser will be started with
the selected web page. The registration will be then replayed automatically.
Figure 4: Replaying a registration using links in Bio Menu
Automatically offer registration of window with password field
When a window with password field will pop up a balloon window is shown reminding the
user that he can save this window to password bank. It is possible to turn off this feature.
Possibility to backup all registrations
User can export and import registrations.
Deactivate screensaver by finger
When the screensaver is active and user will put finger on the sensor then the screensaver
will be terminated (like when mouse is moved).