PS QL Datasheet
Silent setup
A silent setup mode is supported. This allows remote or unattended installation, e.g. using
Microsoft SMS server.
Microsoft Installer support
The setup uses the Microsoft Installer technology and therefore supports all Microsoft
Installer features.
Configurable s kins
To increase the future coolness factor it is possible to change the look of the main user
interface. Multiple skin choices are available in the product, including a “TouchChip look”
and “XP look” skin. (see Figure 1 on page 5 for skin examples)
Biometrics support for Logon and Fast User Switching feature
User logon to Windows or user switching can be done with fingerprint.
Possibility to lock workstation by finger
When logged-on user puts his finger on the sensor a Protector Suite QL menu is shown.
This menu offers an option “Lock workstation” which can be used to lock the workstation.
Possibility to unlock workstation by finger
When the workstation is locked the user can use his finger to unlock it.
Boot Security support
Support for notebooks with biometric boot protection (TBX – TouchChip BIOS eXtension).
TBX enrollment can be performed through PS QL. There is a single unified administration
for both PS QL and TBX. Refer to Chapter 7 on page 13 for details on TBX.
Boot Security single sign-on
This optional feature allows the user to pass through both the Boot Security and the
Windows Logon by a single touch/swipe of a finger.
Quick launch of single application using finger and biometric menu
User can choose application, which will be assigned to the first option in the biometric
menu (instead of Lock workstation). This application is then easily accessible.
Password bank
Password bank holds user’s passwords to Internet and local applications.
Registration replayed after finger verification
To replay the registration user must be successfully verified. Replaying of a registration is
triggered by a finger, not automatically when a dialog appears.
Notification about registered window by notification box
When a window, which is registered in the Password bank, is shown on the screen then the
window’s frame is highlighted and optional balloon info will be shown which will tell the
user that this window has some registration. The user then can replay this registration by
putting his finger on the sensor.