For a different consistency and a less frothy drink, you may use up to an additional
125 ml of milk above FILL LINE.
Classic or Flavored Guilt Free Whipped Topping
(3 - 4 servings)
• fat free milk
• 2 - 4 tablespoons vanilla syrup or other flavored coffee syrups*
• 1 or 2 packets sugar substitute such as Sweet ‚N Low or Equal
Follow steps to make “Flavored Milk Froth”. Add sugar substitute and vanilla syrup to taste
for “Classic Guilt Free Whipped Topping” or choose another syrup for “Flavored Guilt Free
Whipped Topping” to compliment.
Cakes (carrot, layer, or pound cake) Cereals (granola, hot oatmeal, hot Cream of Wheat, or
Grapenuts) Fruit (raspberries, strawberries, baked apples, applesauce, baked pears) Gelatin
Desserts, Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt, and Pies (apple, berry, custard, pecan, and pumpkin).
* Compatible flavored syrups include maple, chocolate, fruit, nut, coffee, and liqueur syrups.
Caramel Macchiato
(2 - 4 servings)
• 1 - 2 tablespoons vanilla syrup
• 1 - 2 tablespoons caramel syrup
• Caramel sauce
Follow steps to make “Flavored Milk Froth”. Add flavored froth and hot milk to a cup.Pour 1
or 2 shots of espresso or strong coffee through the foam. Garnish with caramel sauce.
Rainbow Froths
(2 - 4 servings)
• fat free milk, low fat or reduced-fat milk
• Food coloring 2 - 4 tablespoons light colored flavored coffee syrup (such as vanilla or
hazelnut), sugar, or light color powder (such as plain malted milk or flan dessert powder)
Follow steps to make “Flavored Milk Froth”. Tint milk to desired hue with a few drops of food
color and flavor to taste. Fun to color coordinate for the holidays and a wonderful way to
brighten your beverages and desserts.
The Raj‘s Chai
(1 serving)
If you like sweet tea, add sugar to taste; mixture is frothy but not as thick.
• 2 teaspoons instant tea powder, plain or sweetened
• 1/8 teaspoon each ground cloves, ground nutmeg, ground cinnamon
• 4 or 5 hulled cardamom seeds or about 1/16 teaspoon ground cardamom
• fat free milk, low fat, or reduced-fat milk
In a small bowl, mix tea powder, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cardamom. Put Froth Whip
in Pitcher. Pour milk into Pitcher and press the ON switch. Heat milk in unit until container
feels warm. Press the OFF switch, remove Lid, and add tea mixture. Replace Lid and push
the ON switch. When ingredients are mixed or the unit stops automatically, remove Lid, and
pour mixture into 1 large mug.