6. Next fill the breader with 5-6 kilograms of breadcrumbs, always with the machine turned on. For
correct breading, the bread level must be between 1 and 2 centimetres from the top of the curtain
vanes (Pos. 3. Complete COMPACT breader overview). Excess bread will affect the operation of
the machine.
Image 2. Bread level
7. The machine is ready for breading.
6.3 Notes
1. The wire mesh battering and breading belts must operate under tension. You should also
remember that they loosen in use. There is a shaft for tensioning them (Pos. 8 and 9. Overview).
To use this, slide both ends in the appropriate direction by the same amount. Working with the wire
mesh belts loose or too tense can cause damage.
Image 3. Batter belt tensioner
Image 4. Breading belt tensioner
2. The controls (Pos. 13, overview) can be mounted on either side of the machine. To do this, simply
swap the panel for the blank cover (Pos. 16. Overview) from the other side by disconnecting the
plug and reconnecting it on the opposite side.