Temperature/Velocity port
Gas out
Flow In
Battery charger
After you have switched the instrument
on, the display screen will first show the
start-up banner, recalibration date and
instrument serial number. A battery
condition indicator at the top right-
hand of the screen keeps you informed
about the state of charge of the battery.
Press the ‘Next’ key and the instrument will
switch to the gas measurement mode. The
screen will display the last retained readings
indicated by the highlight area around the
gas figures.
To view additional gas analysis channels,
press the ‘Down’ key. Additional channels
will appear line by line if fitted. To go back to previous channels, press the ‘Up’ key.
Connecting the gas pipe
Connect the flexible plastic gas pipe fitted
with the water filter to the Sample In port
on the top of the GFM430 instrument.
The port will automatically lock the pipe
in place, preventing it from being pulled
off accidentally.
GFM400 Series
GFM400 Series User Manual
G F M 4 0 0 S E R I E S U S E R M A N U A L
Gas In
Gas measurement