GCT IR Link Software Quick Reference Guide
Portable gas detectors you can count on
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TWA Interval:
The TWA Interval defines the time frame over which the long-term average is calculated. Default is 8 hours.
STEL Interval:
The STEL Interval defines the time frame over which the short-term average is calculated. Default is 15 minutes.
50% LEL =:
Used to change the % by volume of CH4 that is determined to be equal to 50% LEL (typically 2.5% in N. America
and 2.2% in EU).
Calibration Interval:
The Calibration Interval controls how often the detector notifies the user to calibrate the sensors. The
interval can be individually adjusted for each sensor. *
Bump Interval:
The Bump Interval controls how often the detector notifies the user to bump test the sensors. The interval can
be individually adjusted for each sensor. *
Calibration Gas:
When the detector is calibrated, it scales the sensor readings to match the concentrations of the applied
gases. The calibration gas concentrations can be adjusted to match the respective levels contained within the gas bottle.
Default is 25ppm H
S, 100ppm CO, 18% O
and 50% LEL (2.5% vol CH4). *
Sensor Enabled:
Individual sensors can be disabled. A disabled sensor is completely removed from the detector’s display
for sensor readings, alarm limits and calibrations.
Caution: A disabled sensor will not measure gas or detect alarm
conditions .
SAFE Display:
If Safe Display is enabled, screen will display “SAFE” as long as there are no gas or detector alerts.
Self-Test Lock:
If a sensor fails a self-test, the detector shows “Err” on the display and goes into high alarm. By default, the
alarm can be silenced by pressing the Power/Menu Button. The Self-Test Lock option prevents the alarm from being silenced.
Auto Zero:
This option automatically zeros the sensors every time the detector is activated (this is enabled by default and it is
recommended that it remains enabled).
Off Lock:
This option prevents the user from deactivating the detector's sensors with the Power/Menu Button.
Maintenance Notification:
If Maintenance Notification is enabled, the detector will periodically flash the maintenance LED
when a bump test or calibration is due. Otherwise, if the option is disabled, the detector will only show the maintenance text
on the display.
Dock Lock:
This option restricts bump tests and calibrations to only being able to be performed with one of Gas Clip
Technologies’ Clip Docks. Manual tests will not be able to be performed.
Latching Alarms:
Alarms are non-latching by default, therefore, once the gas readings fall back within the set limits after an
alarm condition, the detector will cease to alarm and return to normal operation. Latching alarms will hold the detector and
its display in its peak alarm condition until the Power/Menu Button is pressed.
LEL by Volume CH4:
Allows the detector to display gas readings as %-by-volume CH4 rather than % LEL.
Activity LED Period:
This option allows the detector to flash a single LED at a specified interval to indicate that the detector is
on. The interval between flashes can be set anywhere from 5 seconds to 120 seconds. To disable this function, type "0" in the
Activity LED Period box and press ENTER. The box will display "OFF".