This is a technique that you will come to like as
you use it more often.
Erratic Sounds
When a metallic object is accepted, the detec-
tor's speaker or headphone sound will, of
course, increase from your audio threshold
level. Some rejected targets, however, may
cause the audio to "break up" or sound erratic.
This is generally a response to shallow trash
targets and can be remedied by raising the
height of your searchcoil when scanning.
Setting Depth
Garrett engineers designed your Investigator
G-500 for maximum detection depth power,
but you may not always be able to operate at
100% depth just as you rarely can (or, even
want to) operate your automobile at 100% of
its speed capacity. Outside electromagnetic
interference, irregular ground mineralization
and other environmental conditions may some-
times require that you operate at reduced
detection depth even as low as 25%.
ing on the Upper Scale) and while still pressing
the PINPOINT touchpad, check the Lower
Scale (see illustration above) to determine
depth of the target in inches.
Measurement is based on targets about the
size of a .38-caliber shell casing. Depth meas-
urement may vary on smaller or larger targets.
Last Mode
Use of this touchpad can be particularly helpful
while scanning because it effectively converts
your Investigator G-500 into a dual-mode
detector. Pressing and releasing the touchpad
makes it easy to alternate between the A and
B programs. You can search with no discrimi-
nation in one program to detect all targets, and
then check your target by switching to Mode B
in which a discrimination pattern is notched.
PN 1529570 Rev B
Garrett G-500