VHF 300 Series Owner’s Manual
Frequency Error:
+/- 500 Hz
Transmit Power (at 13.6 Vdc):
High Power: 25 W (23–25 W)
Low Power: 1 W (.7–1 W)
Maximum Deviation:
5 kHz
Hum and Noise:
-40 dB or less
Duty Cycle:
5% Transmit; 5% Receive; 90% Standby
Modulation Distortion:
10% or less
Adjacent Channel Power:
-70 dBc or less
Conducted Spurious Emission:
-36 dBm or less
Audio Distortion:
Less than 10%
Hum and Noise:
Less than -40 dB
Squelch Operation:
Less than 107 dBm at tight setting
Adjacent Channel Rejection:
70 dB or more
Spurious Response:
70 dB or more
Inter-modulation Response:
70 dB or more
AIS Receiver
Adjacent Channel Rejection:
70 dB or more
Spurious Response:
70 dB or more
Inter-modulation Response:
70 dB or more
Full-function Handset:
Impedance: 4 Ω
Input Power: 4 W
External Speaker:
Output Power: 4 W (4 Ω/max)
VHF 300 Series and VHF 300 AIS Series Auxiliary Component
Hailer Output Power:
30 W max
Hailer Horn Impedance:
4 Ω