Oregon 650 Owner's Manual
waypoint in the route. You must be
navigating for this data to appear.
To Course:
The direction in which you must
move to get back on the route. You must
be navigating for this data to appear.
Total Lap:
The stopwatch time for all the
completed laps.
Track Distance:
The distance traveled for
the current track.
Trip Odometer:
A running tally of the
distance traveled since the last reset.
Trip Time:
A running tally of the total time
spent moving and not moving since the
last reset.
Trip Time - Moving:
A running tally of the
time spent moving since the last reset.
Trip Time - Stopped:
A running tally of the
time spent not moving since the last reset.
The angle of difference (in degrees)
between the bearing to your destination
and your current course. L means turn
left. R means turn right. You must be
navigating for this data to appear.
Velocity Made Good:
The speed at which
you are closing on a destination along a
route. You must be navigating for this data
to appear.
Vertical Dist to Dest:
The elevation
distance between your current position
and the final destination. You must be
navigating for this data to appear.
Vertical Dist to Next:
The elevation
distance between your current position
and the next waypoint in the route. You
must be navigating for this data to appear.
Vertical Speed:
The rate of ascent or
descent over time.
Vertical Speed To Dest:
The rate of ascent
or descent to a predetermined altitude.
You must be navigating for this data to
Waypoint At Dest:
The last point on the
route to the destination. You must be
navigating for this data to appear.
Waypoint At Next:
The next point on the
route. You must be navigating for this data
to appear.
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2013/9/6 上午 08:11:15