Using the Stopwatch
1 From the watch face, hold MENU.
2 Select Clocks > STOPWATCH.
3 Press START to start the timer.
4 Press LAP to restart the lap timer .
The total stopwatch time continues running.
5 Press STOP to stop both timers.
6 Select an option:
• To reset both timers, press DOWN.
• To save the stopwatch time as an activity, press MENU, and select Save Activity.
• To reset the timers and exit the stopwatch, press MENU, and select Done.
• To review the lap timers, press MENU, and select Review.
NOTE: The Review option only appears if there have been multiple laps.
• To return to the watch face without resetting the timers, press MENU, and select Go to Watchface.
• To enable or disable lap recording, press MENU, and select Lap Key.
Adding Alternate Time Zones
You can display the current time of day in additional time zones on the alternate time zones glance. You can
add up to four alternate time zones.
NOTE: You may need to add the alternate time zones glance to the glance loop (
1 From the watch face, hold MENU.
2 Select Clocks > ALT. TIME ZONES > Add Alt. Time Zone.
3 Select a time zone.
4 If necessary, rename the zone.