The Find Menu - Overview
The Find Menu allows you to fi nd stored locations:
waypoints and cities. They can be found by name or by
those nearest to your current location (Position Icon) or
the panning arrow (Map Pointer). If you are using the
MapSource “Points of Interest” CD-ROM, the list of fi nd
locations will be expanded to include categories for Points
of Interest.
Press and release the
button to access the Find Menu.
The Find Menu allows you to locate and travel to:
Waypoints -
Marked and saved locations on the
map used as a destination or a point on the way
(waypoints) to a destination. Refer to page 27 to mark
or create a waypoint.
Favorites -
A list of familiar and often used waypoints.
Cities -
A list of major cities in the basemap.
Points of Interest -
A list of restaurants, museums,
hospitals, landmarks, etc.
For some categories, there are two methods of
listing. The “By Name” list contains every item in the map
database for the selected category, while the “Nearest” list
contains only those items that are near to your Current
Location or the Map Pointer. Categories listed by either
method will display a choose prompt.
These pages are structured with a set of sub-menus
and location information pages that guide you through
the process of fi nding locations. Use them to construct
a Route, establish a direct line of travel (Goto), or when
gathering information.
The Find Menu
Find Page using your
current location as a point
of reference
‘Nearest’ or ‘By Name’
Item Information Page
‘Near Map Pointer’ or ‘By
Name’ Prompt.
Displayed when using the
Map Pointer.