Setup Pages
System Page Options
System Page - Overview
The System Setup Page allows you to select from four
modes of operation ‘Normal’, ‘Battery Saver’, ‘Use With
GPS Off’, and ‘Demo Mode’.
Of the GPS options, the ‘Battery Saver’, ‘Use With
GPS Off’, or ‘Demo Mode’ will signifi cantly save battery
power. The ‘Battery Saver’ mode reduces the rate of sat-
ellite signal position updating and the ‘Use With GPS
Off’ option stops satellite signal reception altogether. The
‘Demo Mode’ simulates navigation.
This Page Option Menu also displays the current version
of unit operating software and the Unit i.d. Number. The
path for downloading software updates from the GARMIN
website is (www.garmin.com). Downloading updates requires
use of the GARMIN PC Interface Cable, supplied with this
unit. Instructions are posted at the website.
You can use the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
capability of the eTrex Legend to produce a more accurate
position fi x (3 meters nominal). When enabled (the GPS
mode must be set to ‘Normal’ and interface set to other
than RTCM mode), this feature searches for a WAAS satellite
near your location and then receives data for correcting dif-
ferentials in the GPS satellite signals. When WAAS has been
enabled, you will see WAAS satellite numbers, beginning at
No. 33 or above, displayed on the Satellite Page. When dif-
ferential correction data has been received for GPS satellites
(numbers 32 or below), a ‘D’ will appear in the signal bar
beneath the skyview. It is helpful to orient the unit antenna
toward the WAAS satellite shown in the skyview. To learn
more about the WAAS System, its satellite positions and cur-
rent state of development, access the Federal Aviation Admin-
istration website (http.//gps.faa.gov/). Refer to the Trouble
Shooting Guide on page 57 if WAAS access is not obtained.
You can select from a list to change the display language.
The bottom of this page, shows the Amount of Memory
Used, Power Status, Date and Time and Backlighting Status.
Step-by Step Instructions
To select System Page options:
1. Highlight the fi eld and then press in on the
to display the options. Then use the
to select.
System Setup Page in
Normal Mode,
WAAS Enabled, and
English Language
WAAS Enabled.
WAAS Satellite is No. 35
and ‘D’ in Signal Bars for
GPS Satellites