To fi nd a point of interest:
5. If you selected ‘By Name’ a keyboard will display, allow-
ing you to enter the characters of the name you want.
When enough characters are entered a list of matches
is displayed. If you selected ‘Nearest’, just scroll through
the list.
6. Use the
to highlight your selection
from the list and then press it in to display the
Information Page for that item.
7. Use the on-screen buttons
to ‘Goto’ or view on the ‘Map’,
or the page options menu to add the item to a list, save it
as a waypoint or add the item to an existing route.
Finding an Address or Intersection - Overview
You can enter a street number, choose a street name
from a list and fi nd an address within the area of map data
coverage. You enter two street names and locate the point
where they intersect. However, you must fi rst be using a
MapSource MetroGuide which provides this type of map
data, otherwise this option will not be available.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To locate an address:
1. Press the
button to display the Find Menu.
2. Use the
to highlight ‘Address’
and press it in to display the ‘Find Address’ page.
3. Highlight the’ Number’ fi eld and use the keyboard for
entering numbers.
4. Move to the ‘Street’ fi eld using the
5. Press in on the
to display the
‘Select Street Name’ list. Find the street by using the
keyboard to enter characters until a list appears.
6. With the desired street highlighted, press in on the
to place the street name on the Find
Address page. Repeat this process for city and postal
codes, if desired. A window at the bottom of the page
displays a list of matches and the quality of each match.
7. Use the on-screen buttons at the bottom of the page to
‘Goto’, view the item on the ‘Map’, or ‘OK’ to close.
8. Use the Options Menu to: Add To Favorites, Add To
Route, Project a Waypoint, Save as Waypoint, View Sun
and Moon, or Hunt and Fish.
The Find Menu
Entering an Address
Point of Interest Info Page
Find Address Page