Heart Rate Fields
%Heart Rate Reserve
The percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart
%Max Heart Rate
The percentage of maximum heart rate.
Aerobic Training Effect
The impact of the current activity on your aerobic fitness level.
Anaerobic Training Effect The impact of the current activity on your anaerobic fitness level.
Avg %HRR
The average percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting
heart rate) for the current activity.
Avg Heart Rate
The average heart rate for the current activity.
Avg %Max Heart Rate
The average percentage of maximum heart rate for the current activity.
Heart Rate
Your heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). Your device must have wrist-based heart
rate or be connected to a compatible heart rate monitor.
Heart Rate Zone
The current range of your heart rate (1 to 5). The default zones are based on your
user profile and maximum heart rate (220 minus your age).
HR Zone Graph
A line graph showing your current heart rate zone (1 to 5).
Lap %HRR
The average percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting
heart rate) for the current lap.
Lap Heart Rate
The average heart rate for the current lap.
Lap %Max Heart Rate
The average percentage of maximum heart rate for the current lap.
Last Lap Heart Rate
The average heart rate for the last completed lap.
The training load for the current activity. Training load is the amount of excess
post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which indicates the strenuousness of
your workout.
Respiration Rate
Your respiration rate in breaths per minute (brpm).
Time in Zone
The time elapsed in each heart rate or power zone.
Battery Status
The remaining battery power of a bike light accessory.
Beam Angle Status
The headlight beam mode.
Light Mode
The light network configuration mode.
Lights Connected
The number of connected lights.