This card must be filled out completely and mailed within ten (10) days from date equipment is delivered or warranty is null and void.
EQUIPMENT PURCHASED……………………………………………………………………………………….SERIAL NO…………..………………………
DATE DELIVERED……………………………. NAME OF PURCHASER…………………………………………………………….……….…….…………..
ADDRESS………………………………………………………………CITY……………………………………………STATE……... ZIP…………………….
PURCHASED FROM (DEALER NAME) …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………
ADDRESS………………………………………………………………CITY……………………………………………STATE……... ZIP…………………….
Was a copy of the owner’s manual and operation instructions included with the above equipment? YES □ NO □
Will the owner of the equipment provide instruction and copies of the owner’s manual for all operators of the equipment? YES □ NO □
Was the equipment specified above, received in good condition? YES □ NO □
If there was some defect or damage to the equipment, please indicate the nature of the same …………………………………………………………