5. Operation
5.3 Compressor information
Further information about a compressor can be
displayed by touching the appropriate compressor key.
Here the information can be read but cannot be
Fig. 7 – Compressor information
The compressor parameter settings and other keys are
displayed first.
"Events" key
Pressing this key displays a list of the last 50 events for
this compressor.
Events are
Maintenance work
For each compressor the list of events can be deleted
in the menu "Adjustments GD Connect 12" after
entering the appropriate code (see section 5.9
Touching this key again, which is now labelled
"Parameters", returns you to the list of parameters.
"Service on" key
When the compressor is being serviced, the power
supply to the compressor has to be switched off.
To suppress the resulting fault signal, the compressor
can be set to "Service" status.
If this status is active
The appropriate symbol is shown on the
compressor key (see Fig. 6), the compressor is not
loaded and is taken out of the sequence by the GD
Connect 12.
Warnings and fault messages that are received are
not displayed and are not listed in the event list for
the compressor.
"Service on" is displayed in the list of events for this
Once servicing has been completed the compressor
can be brought back into the sequence by touching this
key again, which is now labelled "Service off", and
entering the appropriate code (see section 5.9
5.4 SD card
The following compressor station data can be logged on
the SD card during normal operation:
Line pressure
Unit: 1/10 bar
Volume flow
Unit: 1/10 m³/min
Compressor status
1 = On load
2 = Off load
3 = Blow down
4 = Standby
5 = Off
6 = Fault
7 = Service
8 = Fault communication
Compressor load
Unit: %
The GD Connect 12 writes this data to a CSV file and
automatically creates a file for each day with a file name
based on the corresponding date.
Example: SM100217.csv
Log file from 17 Feb. 2010
CSV format separates the data with a comma and is
compatible with MS Excel.