Gardenline GPHS-26cc User Manual Download Page 12



Remove spark plug and check for fouling, worn and rounded center electrode.

Clean the plug or replace with a new one. Do not sand blast to clean. Remaining sand will
damage engine.

Adjust spark plug gap by bending outer electrode.

Tighten spark plug to 150-170 kg/cm (130-150 inch/lb.).

Cooling system (Level 2)

Fig. 15- 20

Tools required: 

Screw driver


Cleaning brush, 25 mm or 50 mm (1” or 2”)

Parts required: 
None if you are careful.


To maintain proper engine operating temperatures, cooling air must pass freely

through the cylinder fin area. This flow of air carries combustion heat away from the engine.

Overheating and engine seizure can occur when:

Air intakes in the crankcase are blocked, preventing cooling air from reaching the cylinder.

Dust and grass build up on the outside of the cylinder. This build up insulates the engine
and prevents the heat from leaving. Removal of crankcase cooling passage blockages or
cleaning of cooling fins is considered “Normal maintenance.” Any failure attributed to lack
of maintenance is not warranted.

When overheating and engine seizure occurs do the following:

Remove spark plug lead and spark plug cap..

Remove screw (F) from the cylinder cover.

Remove bottom right (G) and bottom left (G) screws from cylinder cover.

Carefully pull cylinder cover forward, pull ignition lead and flameout lead and lay aside.

Loosely install spark plug cap to keep debris out of the cylinder. Use brush to remove dirt
from cylinder fins.


Do not use a metal scraper to remove dirt from the cylinder fins.

Assemble components in reverse order.


When installing the cylinder cover, be certain the muffler gasket tabs (D) are locked into

the muffler grill slots and the stop switch lead is seated in the rubber grommet.

Cylinder Exhaust Port (Level 3)


The cylinder exhaust port must be inspected and cleaned of excess carbon every 3

months or 90 hours of operation in order to maintain this engine within the emissions durability
period. Gardenline strongly recommends that you return your hedge trimmer to the address on
the warranty card for this important maintenance service.




This symbol accompanied by the words warning! and danger! calls attention to an
act or condition that can lead to serious personal injury to operator and bystanders.

The circle with the slash symbol means whatever is shown within the circle is

Read and understand the manual.

Wear eyes, ears and head protection.

Wear hand protection. Use two handed.

Wear slip resistant foot wear.

Emergency stop.

Choke controle, “Cold Start” position (choke closed).

Choke controle, “Run” position (choke open).

Fuel and oil mixture.

Finger severing.

Hot surface.

Do not smoke near fuel.

Do not allow flames or sparks near fuel.

Ignition On/Off.

Do not operate without guards in place.


Summary of Contents for GPHS-26cc

Page 1: ...desthismanualandsafety instructions Bothmustbereadand understoodforproperandsafeoperation Warning Avoidinhalingtheengine exhaustfromthisproductasitcontains chemicalswhichcancausecancer birth defectsorreproductiveharm Congratulations Youpurchasedahighqualityproduct Thishedgetrimmerisexcellentfortrimming hedgesorsmallbushes Itisnotsuitableforothertypesofmaterial Donotusethehedgetrimmerasa levertolif...

Page 2: ...02 Gardenline Gardenline 31 Explodedview ...

Page 3: ...0 Gardenline SparepartslistGPHS 26CC GardenlineNo Description PositionNo 400535 Startercomplete 24till34 153 400536 Airfilter 42 400537 Sparkplug 45 400538 Bladecomplete 108 109 4X 104 110 111 161 400539 Handgrip 149 ...

Page 4: ...Gardenline 29 GB 04 Gardenline ...

Page 5: ...Gardenline 05 28 Gardenline GB ...

Page 6: ...Gardenline 27 GB 06 Gardenline ...

Page 7: ...ISO10517 2003 EN55012 2002 EN61000 6 3 2001 A11 EN61000 6 1 2001 inaccordancewiththeregulations 98 37 EC AnnexI 89 335 EEC 93 68 EEC 2002 88 EC from01 11 2005 ZWOLLENL W Kamphof Qualitydepartment Itisourpolicytocontinuouslyimproveourproductsandwethereforereservetherightto changetheproductspecificationwithoutpriornotice ServotoolBV Lingenstraat6 8028PM Zwolle TheNetherlands GB ...

Page 8: ...lycleanoiltotheentirelengthoftheblade Becertainthebladeboltsarelubricated Installbladecoveronblades Tightenallthescrewsandnuts Drainthefueltankcompletelyandpulltherecoilstarterhandleseveraltimesto remove fuelfromthecarburetor Removethesparkplugandpour7cc 1 4oz offresh clean two strokeengineoilintothe cylinderthroughthesparkplughole Placeacleanclothoverthesparkplughole Pulltherecoilstarterhandle2 3...

Page 9: ...lean or replace Replace plug Clean or replace Replace Clean or replace Clean and adjust or replace Adjust Clean See address on the warranty card GB PETROLHEDGETRIMMERGPHS 26CC Thenumbersinthefollowingtextcorrespondwiththepicturesatpage2 9 Readandunderstandthismanualbeforeoperation Keepitinasafeplacefor futurereference Itcontainsspecificationsandinformationforoperation starting stopping maintenance...

Page 10: ...arton checkfordamage Immediatelynotifyyourretailerortheaddresson thewarrantycardofdamagedormissingparts Usethecontentslisttocheckformissingparts 1 Hedgetrimmer 1 T Wrench17x19 1 SpannerS8 S10 1 Fuel oilmixingbottle 1 Instructionmanual 1 Safetyinstructions 1 Warrantycard Description Fig 1 Therearethesafetydecalsonyourhedgetrimmer Makesurethedecalsarelegibleandthat youunderstandandfollowtheinstructi...

Page 11: ...of thosesymbolsandkeywordsandwhattheymeantoyou Important Theenclosedmessageprovidesinformationnecessaryfortheprotectionofthe hedgetrimmer Note Thisenclosedmessageprovidestipsforuse careandmaintenanceofthehedge trimmer GB 22 Gardenline EngineBreak In Newenginesmustbeoperatedaminimumdurationoftwotanksoffuelbreak inbefore carburetoradjustmentscanbemade Duringthebreak inperiodyourengineperformancewill...

Page 12: ...ylindercoverforward pullignitionleadandflameoutleadandlayaside Looselyinstallsparkplugcaptokeepdebrisoutofthecylinder Usebrushtoremovedirt fromcylinderfins Important Donotuseametalscrapertoremovedirtfromthecylinderfins Assemblecomponentsinreverseorder Note Wheninstallingthecylindercover becertainthemufflergaskettabs D arelockedinto themufflergrillslotsandthestopswitchleadisseatedintherubbergrommet...

Page 13: ...arecooler Extendedoperationandextremeconditions Fig 2 ItisbelievedthataconditioncalledRaynaud sPhenomenon whichaffectsthefingersof certainindividuals maybebroughtaboutbyexposuretovibrationandcold Exposureto vibrationandcoldmaycausetinglingandburningsensations followedbylossofcolorand numbnessinthefingers Thefollowingprecautionsarestronglyrecommended becausethe minimumexposure whichmighttriggerthea...

Page 14: ...otrequired Ifyouexperiencediscomfort redness andswellingofthefingersfollowedbywhitening andlossoffeeling consultyourphysicianbeforefurtherexposingyourselftocoldand vibration Warning Donotoperatethisproductindoorsorininadequatelyventilatedareas Engineexhaustcontainspoisonousemissionsandcancauseseriousinjuryor death RepetitiveStressInjuries Fig 3 Itisbelievedthatoverusingthemusclesandtendonsofthefin...

Page 15: ... position ONposition Pressprimingbulbseveraltimesuntilfuelisvisibleandflowsfreelyintheclearfueltank returnline Lockthethrottleinthestartingposition withthethrottletriggerlockoutlever C depressed depressthrottletrigger D andpushlockbutton E thenslowlyreleasethe throttletrigger D first thenthethrottlelockoutlever C Pullrecoilstarterbrisklyuntiltheengineruns Note Ifenginedoesnotstartafter5pulls use C...

Page 16: ...ockout andgraduallydepressthrottletriggertoincreaseenginerpmto operatingspeed Startingwarmengine Fig 6 Thestartingprocedureisthesameas Coldstart exceptdonotclosethechoke Warning Thebladesshouldnotmoveatidle Ifbladesmove readjustcarburetor accordingto Carburetoradjustment instructionsinthismanualorseetheaddress onthewarrantycard otherwiseseriouspersonalinjurymayresult GB 16 Gardenline TwoStrokeOil ...
