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Step 7.
Choose a Cover and place it over the Frame.
zippers on one side of the Cover before fitting it over the
assembled frame. Failure to do so will cause the Cover to rip or fit improperly.
When installing the Insect Netting use the ties
along the edge of the cover to secure it to the frame.
Step 8.
Use the ribbons inside the corners of the cover to tie it to the four upright tubes. Place the completed Protection Frame and
Cover over your raised bed garden.
Step 9.
Install the U-Shaped Earth Staples over the bottom tubes of the frame to anchor it to the soil.
Care and Use
• For extra ventilation on warm, sunny days, unzip the top panel of the Greenhouse Cover and fold it down.
• Roll up the front and back sides of the Greenhouse Cover and Insect Netting and secure with the loops and toggles.
• Remove the Greenhouse Cover and Insect Netting before expected snow or ice accumulation. The covers are not designed for use
in winter conditions.
• When your crops bloom, remove the Cover or roll up the doors to allow access for pollinating insects, if your crops require it.
• When not in use, dry all parts thoroughly, disassemble and store under cover.
For more products, information and articles on raised bed gardening, visit us at